Bantam cochins
Bantam cochins are a small breed that lays a small brown egg. We keep them mainly due to their broodiness and sweet personalities. In this pen we do have both smooth and frizzled. Even though our hens are a certain color, they do throw a ray of colors including but not limited to black, blue, white, splash, cuckoo, partridge and many more. So we can not guarantee a certain color like we can with most of our other breeds. They are more of a fun project pen that produces babies with beautiful color and personality to match.
Straight run $4 each
Straight run is unsexed chicks.
We prefer not to sell eggs, only chicks.
Any eggs we can't put in the incubator will be posted.
Prices are subject to change
Very rarely do we sell growouts or already laying birds but when we do these are usually the prices when they are available.
Pullets (young hens that aren't laying yet)
Cockerels (young roosters under a year old)
Hens (laying age could be laying or have stopped for winter)
Rooster (over a year old)
Prices are subject to change
Pullet/ Hen start at $15+ each
Cockerel/ Rooster start at $5+ each