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Chinchilla care sheet add on

This post is an add on to my Chinchilla care sheet page. I split them since it was taking so long to load the page due to the pictures. Here I will cover housing, temperature, bedding and grooming. If you haven't seen my other post on feeding, here's the link


If you haven't read my blog page about cages, I encourage you to do so.


Temperature is very important with chinchillas. If you don't have central air or an A/C unit, a chinchilla isn't right for you. Chinchillas can't handle heat above 75 degrees. They will overheat fast at 80 and above. I keep my room at 65 and it'll fluctuate between 65-70 but it doesn't go over.


Cages need some type of bedding no matter what type of cage you own. Changing it is important, that's what holds the nasty smell. I try to change mine at least every 2-3days depending on weather.


-Kiln dried pine -Kiln dried aspen

-Fleece anti-pill -Fleece blizzard

Not safe

-Fleece if being chewed on

-Carefresh (causes blockage if eaten)



Chinchillas can't have water baths like dogs. Water can damage their fur and skin resulting in fungus. Dusting should be given 2-3times per week for 10-20minutes. Don't leave the container in the cae 24/7, this will let them use the bathroom in it and if plastic will be chewed. Chinchillas can be combed but for pets, their fur doesn't require brushing. Combs are usually used mainly for showing. Combing is from butt to head with small passings or you could accidently hurt your chinchilla. Dusting too frequently can result in dry skin and ears.



-Blue cloud

-Blue sparkle

(Not good)




When preparing toys or chew sticks the wood must be cut, scrubbed, boiled and baked before putting into the cage. Must also know it hasn't been treated at all. It is best to buy wood for toys or chews from a responsible vendor as this process has already been done. With ledges you can buy from home depot or lowes as long as it states it's Kiln dried and cut them yourself.


Safe woods (either in ledges, toys, or chew sticks)


List of safe woods you can use

(This is not a complete list)


-Kiln dried pine

-Kiln dried poplar









-Aussie willow

-Weeping willow

-Corkscrew willow



-Red elm


Safe parts for toys


-Some bird safe toy parts are also safe for chinchillas but you have to be careful.

-Again best to buy from a chinchilla vendor.

-Coconut skin

-Vine items

-Shredder traps


-Bamboo straws

-Pine parts (squares, blocks etc.)

-ABC blocks

-Wood beads



-Pumice rocks

Cage accessories

These are accessories you can put in your cage if desired. There's several chinchilla breeders and vendors that offer these accessories.



-Corner hammocks

-Tubes (Half or Whole)


wooden metal offered by Tiffany's chinchillas

These are some of the basics I can think of at the moment. If you have any questions on items I'll do my best to answer them all you have to do is email and ask.

I apologize as I had to split my posts up due to it taking so long to load. Please click the links you'd like to visit.


Chinchilla cages

Chinchilla breeding cages

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